"I have come to accept and appreciate myself for the body I am in"

by S.T.

(consented by former eating disorder client)



Vibrant Nutrition & Wellness understands the complexity of Eating disorders and has been documented in adolescents and adults for many years. More recently, there is evidence that these disorders can also affect young children.

The cornerstones of an integrative medicine model for eating disorders include some components that are found in every approach to the treatment of eating disorders, but may be used in a unique manner as this is a “Unique and Complex Condition”.  Others are more specific to the use of complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) therapies. The most important difference in this model, when compared to other treatment strategies, is the philosophical integrative medicine — that is, the belief in the self-healing nature of body, mind, and spirit.

Eating disorders comprise a spectrum of disorders that are difficult to treat and have a high risk for morbidity and mortality. Vibrant Nutrition & Wellness’s integrative approach offers many options to explore. Recovery from eating disorders is possible and the earlier they are treated, the better the prognosis. Sometimes depending on the level of the eating disorder, you may need a “higher level of care” or hospitalization.

The cornerstones of treating eating disorders with an integrative approach can include:

  1. Nutrition treatment focuses on reducing the risk of, detecting, and treating complications of the disease and on improving overall health status.

  2. Nutritional therapies to improve nutritional status, help females and males improve their relationship with food, and improve digestion and absorption of needed nutrients.

  3. Body movement to help get back in touch with physical cues and learn healthy behaviors.

  4. Treatment may include the use of Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT) or Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) to cope more effectively with stressors in their lives and with situations and emotions that may trigger a relapse.

  5. Eating Disorders are multi-facet and treatments such as complementary and creative alternative therapy recommendations like “Art Therapy” may be an option to connect with internal feelings to heal these complex diagnoses refer to our website ( and click on “About”, then scroll down) to sign up for our next Art Class on “Self Love”.


    A Letter to Our E.D. Clients

    Dear “E.D.”

    “E.D.”, we understand your pain and we can help and identify your early warning signs as well as treat your existing E.D. before it takes over your Life.  We can treat you in our program or refer you to a therapist or mental health establishment to treat your E.D with additional existing diagnoses that include higher levels of care of mental disorders like personality disorders, anxiety disorder, depression, alcohol or drug abuse which has higher levels of injuries, accidents, and self-harm to yourself.  “E.D.”, we know that higher prescriptions of antipsychotics and antidepressants; and higher dosage or frequency of drugs for gastrointestinal problems like constipation, upset stomach, IBS, gastroparesis, and even prescriptions for dietary supplements can affect E.D. and your mental well-being.  “E.D.”, we are here to help no matter what the challenge is.  No matter how emotionally saddened or angry or just hopeless you are.  The E.D. is the culprit, not “you as the client”, therefore it is not your fault.  Let us help you because we understand your pain.


    Vibrant Nutrition & Wellness, LLC


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  • Telling yourself “I don’t need a wellness plan or I am fine”

  • Not being truthful about eating

  • Isolating yourself, avoiding social situations

  • Canceling people out of your life

  • Fixated on just eating certain foods/soft foods

  • Frequently bingeing/purging


  • Increased anxiety and /or depression around food

  • Obsessive thoughts about food and weight

  • Urges to diet and lose weight

  • Weighing very frequently

  • Concerned about the food label and checking nutrition information constantly

  • Measuring and weighing food


  • Following a healthy eating and wellness plan

  • Not being afraid of the unknown calories or thinking any foods are “bad” or “fearful”

  • Being willing to surrender control of overeating or undereating

  • Developing other interests like Art, Reading, Yoga, Meditation, and spending less time and energy with the E.D.



Main Office: 151 Main Street, 2nd Fl, Flemington, NJ 08822

105 Raider Blvd, Suite 101, Hillsborough, NJ 08844

10 Forrestal rd south, suite 203, Princeton, NJ 08540

49 Veronica Avenue, Suite 102, Somerset, NJ 08873

33 Wood Avenue South, Suite 600, Iselin, NJ 08830

Newest Location:

*4851 Tamiami Trail North (Telehealth only at this time )

Suite #200

Naples, FL 34103

Licensed in Florida!

*We Accept United Health Care and Aetna insurances. Please also note for the Florida location, we also accept all diagnoses for medical nutrition therapy)


Contact Us To Make an Appointment:

Cell: 732-829-5146


Annette O’Neill RDN - Registered Dietitian-Nutritionist, CBT, DBT